Wednesday, January 27, 2010
5:37 PM
last post
Yes! Last post for english.. Let's talk about family.. ![]() My family consists of Dad, Mom, Older Sister and Younger Brother. Isn't it the same as the Incredibles? I enjoy all the moments spent with my beloved family but there is always a special moment when I enjoyed the most. Holidays! Yes! I enjoy the time when the whole family is on a holiday! But why holiday, you may ask. Holiday is a period of time when you can relax and play as much as you want. (for me) During most of the school holidays, Dad would often take the family to China but astonishingly, during last year's december holidays, Dad decided to take the family to the fun-filled Japan!!! Wee! It would be my first time seeing snow in real life! We took A380 to Japan, Tokyo which stupefied me as A380 was still considerably new and I never thought of 'flying' in it. We brought thick clothing , like of course! Once we reached our destination, we immediately flew( or take train, i forget :O) to Osaka , which I was clueless. It was VERY VERY COLD...but it didn't snow. If you want to know how Japan looks like, go google it. So everyday in Japan was like a praying session, my siblings and I prayed hard for it to snow. SNOW is what we anticipate for. Snow snow snow...just come will ya? Dad once said to me that the main point of going to Japan was to have a different experience and not just seeing the pathetic snow. Hmm... we finally awoke after hearing that. Dad led us around Osaka, which was quite plain and Countryside ...little shopping malls but many low lying houses.He would also guide us to some local restaurants to savour gratifying Japanese delicacies. I love sushi! One day in Osaka , Dad brought us to Universal Studio Osaka. Yes it rocks but the weather wa too cold. Universal Studio was very thrilling and titillating .It left a very deep impression in me. ![]() We traveled all around japan and I have tried skiing for my very first time too. In all my trip to Japan was awe-inspiring! I hope to visit Japan again soon! I am very tired now (seriously) and I'm totally not in the mood of blogging and I have not completed my homework so bye! Labels: ENGLISH 50%
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
7:26 PM
RSP Orientation "/
Hi Today was yes, the RSP orientation for Secondary 1A. The Orientation started at 2.30 p.m. which lasted for an hour or so. At the start, the Sec 1 boys were divided into six groups and each groups were led by one senior , who are us,the Sec 2s, and as a group, they have to visit all 4 stations of fun learning stuff ( traditional games, traditional music, scrabble in bahasa indonesia and spice-guessing) I was in-charged of Group 4, which was a mischievous bunch of monkeys who were arrogant and weird. In what sense are they arrogant and weird? When I asked them to stop, they carried on. When I tell them to go down, they went up, left, they turned right. WOW, I didn't know the badge of VS 2013 was so defiant and wayward . Anyway , we still had fun. Cause the whole orientation was filled with running, climbing, kicking, smelling, but unfortunately 'scolding'. It was not actually really scolding, Mr Leo and Miss Shyamira just talked to us about leaving a bad impression on the Sec 1s and something like being not responsible. Ok, so the first stop for my 'lovely' group was the 'spice-guessing' game. So after the first station, my team proceeded on to play scrabble which is located at the spiral staircase at level 3. Ok, so after this lame scrabble thing, we carried on the 'race' to the next station. We were given this clue . It shows a national flag and a flag with a 'VS' drwan on it. Hmm... Where? 'The Parade Square !" an enthusiastic boy exclaimed excitedly , as though he is on a gameshow whereby he will win $10,000 if he answered correctly. Hehe... The boy that looked like 'ang moh' hurriedly urged the team to move on. Run run run run run run run... 5th floor! Jasman, slacking with me ,Sen, Hugo and Nicholas while waiting for Calvin and Yi Long to finish explaining. The boys were supposed to play the sepak takraw the 'traditional way' but they ended up playing the modern way. LOL It's beyond our control to stop and correct them from playing the wrong way but seeing them having a great time , just let it be... Yay! The next station is also our last station. Eagerly they rushed down back to the RSP for the music session but the bad thing was that there were a few groups waiting for their turn to play the music too. They were disappointed as they couldn't cool their body in the air-conditioned room. However they killed time by playing catching, a non traditional game in the SEA( south east asia). I have got photos but I'm seriously too lazy to post them. Nearing 3.30p.m, Miss Shyamira called us back to assemble at the RSP room and all activities had to be halt to a stop as it was getting late. Thats great! Yay! I can have my air-con ! Cool~ Sir dismissed the Sec1s and talked to us. Blah blah blah...( I'm not saying that he is naggy but its just that I'm too lazy to type out what he said but basically it's about the performance of the day and some other stuff.) And we were finally dismissed at 4 p.m. Phew~ So, it was a fine nice day in school today! :D Labels: ENGLISH 50%
Saturday, January 23, 2010
9:49 PM
A different Saturday
Hi there! Saturday had always been tiring, insanely boring and 'slacky' as I had wushu and taekwondo training and after all those 'martial arting' , its time to play my beloved computer games. :) As for today, it was totally different. Joseph , Sen, Chester and I, together with Hao Yang, had arranged to meet at Hao Yang's house to do the OPW project. We all agreed to meet at 11a.m. The first moment I entered Hao Yang's house, I was stupefied . Guess what? The first thing I saw was, of course Hao Yang , but what actually stunned me was the two 'MacBook's and one 'iMac' .He also has a super-addictive Xbox, a motion-fun Wii and one or two handy-light PSP ( play station portable). Imagine how rich Hao Yang is! Personally I think that his parents adores him too much , or that they are too rich. Anyway with five brains better than one, we managed to complete the brainstorming stuff including killing our precious brain cells thinking about what improvements to make for VS school field and thinking about the pros and cons of the school field at about 12a.m. hence we decided to proceed downstairs to get some refreshments. Yes. There is a 'Cold Storage' supermarket located directly below Hao Yang's house.( Hao Yang's is staying in a private apartment at the 2nd level.) He suggested us to buy two bottles of soft drinks and maybe one pine of ice-cream. As soon as we bought those refreshments, we immediately rushed back up to consume lunch that was prepared by Hao Yang's domestic helper. 'Coming,' the domestic helper assured us. 'Wow!' was the first impression I had. We were served spaghetti with a crispy fried piece of fish which looked something like the type of fish served in fish and chips. Yummy! I nodded my head as I consumed the mouthwatering and toothsome meal. Slurped! As i gulped my coke, a feeling of supremacy filled my body. Awesome Coke rocks! Burp ! It was filling. What's next? Gaming of course! Sen hastened to the living room , searching for the X-Box console . 'It's here, Sen!' Hao Yang said as he waved the console. Without further ado, Sen switched on the TV followed by the Xbox machine and started playing Halo 3. I saw one of the consoles on the floor so I picked it up and joined in the game. It was my first time playing Halo so as expected, I suck. To me, Halo 3 is a just a game that involves shooting and killing. Hao Yang and Sen were leading and owning me like nobody's business . Hao Yang was very random, he kept exclaiming ,' wow, how inconceivable, how unbelievable ...' It was also the first time seeing Hao Yang so talkative and jubilant unlike most of the time in school where he was seen quiet and calm. Coincidentally , Jasman and Evan were online playing Halo too so Hao Yang exchanged greetings with them. As time goes on, I was flabbergasted to realise how thrilling and addictive the game was. it totally brainwashed me. Awesome! At the same time, the clock was also ticking and it's time to go home. Reluctantly , I bade goodbye to the Xbox and dragged my feet to the bus-stop. Bus 14 arrived without much time of wait. In the bumpy bus, I was still mesmerised in Halo so badly until I almost missed the bus-stop. Phew! Today was a merriment day and I hope I can visit Hao Yang more often! This is the map that we always played in Halo 3 ( Sen loves this map) : Labels: ENGLISH 50%
Friday, January 22, 2010
7:41 PM
Bad feeling
![]() A secondary one boy called me 'stupid' for getting him to sit down during assembly. That sucks ! :( I don't understand whats wrong with that bad attitude boy, and the bad thing is that this bothered me for a while . Luckily, I managed to vent it all out by saying funny stuff and random stuff during Online Project Work and also while playing soccer. Such unreasonable insult from that boy shall not spoil my mood but it made me reflect on what I've done. I realized that I was just doing my duty to get them seated down as soon as possible so assembly can start on time . Sad :( but as I had said, let's not let these miserable feelings get over us. Be happy :):
Thursday, January 21, 2010
7:33 PM
let it be
![]() Hi all! Today is just an ordinary day just that there is an additional 'to' to 'day' :) Haha sorry I was bored. Anyway I reached school at 6.50 a.m. and went to the Prefectorial Board to get my morning duty from the marker, the person who assign us duties and also the one who 'marks' us. My duty was to patrol those secondary one and two 's classes. As I was strolling on those levels, a thought started to cling on onto my brain cells but one of them overwhelmed my whole brain. Before I start talking about that thought , think about this... What is the first impression you had on prefects, VS prefects? Role models? Bossy people? Or an example of a proper punishment? Think. 'Hmm...it should be role models,' I murmured as I thought deeply. As you know,some teachers like to punish their defiant students who did not bring or complete their homeworks by getting them to wear their ties for one entire week. Punish, punishment. Wearing a tie for one whole week to them is a punishment but to us, it is an identity . So is this an insult to the prefects? Next , if there are latecomers, the prefects who are on duty would bring them up to the hall or assembly area (depends on where assembly is held) and they would have to stand by the side, most probably for punishment. We prefects have to stand there too ,and we are not allowed to sit. Whats the difference here? Two bunch of people standing during assembly. One bunch of 'good' students and the other bunch of 'bad' students. Both groups were not allowed to sit, not allowed to relax before lessons . It is as though we are telling those latecomers ,' hey , follow us. stand here for your punishment.' And the last point , those people who had not brought their ties for Monday assembly, names would be recorded and they would have to do canteen duties which usually takes up 10 minutes. For us, our duties take up almost the whole recess. Punishment -take up 10 mins ,making sure the canteen is clean. Prefects- taking up the whole recess. It is like after their punishment, they would still have time to play a bit of soccer or stroll around doing random businesses while we had to stand at this area , checking if they smuggle food . In this case, punishment is taking up a third of the recess. It certainly makes no difference here , but fortunately , my class have a day when recess is earlier which means no need to do duties and of course , time for relax and soccer! At a certain point of degree, people will start disliking prefects, complaining that prefects are too bossy . Students are not allowed to play soccer in uniform so the prefects have to ask them to either change into P.E or leave the field. In such cases , people will start disliking us and ignoring us but this is our job! See, people will dislike prefects but will they dislike those people who get punished ? Lesser chance. The point is, punishment and prefects are almost the same thing. Standing during assembly, lesser time for recess and wearing ties for two different reasons which I personally think its not fair. Whatsmore , 'prefects' and 'punishment' both starts with the letter 'P' .Let's pick out some words that also starts with the letter 'P'... Pain, peace, pedantic ,polite and pointless. Pain- the pain of punishment and being a prefect.(both) Peace- everyone wants peace . (both) Pedantic- helpful (prefect) Polite-(prefect) Pointless-this blog entry is pointless The ground began to fade as I felt a cold shiver rush through my body. I awoke in a strange realm... LOL haha. Mousehunt~ Ring! I awoke out of a sudden. It's 7.15a.m. which is time to go up to the assembly area. Just then , I looked around me... Hudson was smiling, the other prefects were all giggling and enjoying their duties. Wow ! What was I thinking? I like being a prefect too, no matter how unfair or miserable a prefect's life is, I'm still going to carry on with my duties with a smile on my face. Optimistic. The word to describe life. Always be optimistic, if you are unhappy, nothing is going to change, the clocks will still tick ,the sky will slowly darken and the day will still go on ,so why not stay happy ? I questioned myself. So why not think the optimistic way? I'm a prefect who has not done anything wrong and wearing the tie daily and serving the school in school duties is my pride.:) My,my,my...Just forget those unhappiness and the problems are solved.:) :D :P Do not take life too seriously. You will never get out of it alive. Elbert Hubbard So let it be... Labels: ENGLISH 50%
7:07 PM
Top of the table?
Yay! Arsenal is top of the English Premier League table!! 99 claps for Arsenal! They defeated Bolton with a marvelous tragic death score of 4-2. Hopefully Arsenal can maintain their winning streaks and continue staying at the top of the table ! Sorry Man United.. here are some pictures (taken from Arsenal.com) ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]()
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
4:42 PM
Hey.. If you still do not know.. I like playing soccer very much :) I support Arsenal Football Club since I was Primary 5. Why do I support them? Obviously, because they rock and thy sons are we! LOL :D (laugh out loud) I enjoyed playing soccer alone when its peaceful and when I have nothing better to do. And please..I'm not a retard.. I don't go around playing soccer shouting 'GOAL!!' or 'PASS!!' , I just enjoy something like 'self training' when I play 'passing' with the side wall of the garage. (You know what I mean, don't you?) This can help me improve my passing and aiming skills in soccer, and because the ground there is not flat , it makes aiming harder and more challenging. This can also help make me more agile and help develop quick feet and faster reaction . ( Note: the aim is not let the ball hit the opposite side of the side wall ,which is behind me when I'm facing the side wall.) Sometimes I would try kicking the soccerball,aiming it underneath the bench in the garage which is even more challenging and fun. Due to low ceiling , I dare not kick the ball high lest the ball will hit the ceiling or enter the neighbour's garage (which always happens -.-) so most of the time I would just try 'spinning' the ball into the 'goalpost' which is the underneath of the bench. It is very fun though, trust me ;) Yes! This is where the problem lies. Sometimes ( really sometimes), I would accidentally miskicked the ball and it would eventually brake the plant pots which were placed next to the bench for decoration. CRACK! 'Damn I'm dead!' I muttered as I smacked my forehead. What a joke! By then the furious mother would be standing at the door ,with her clenched fists on her hips. 'Lloyd! How many times must I tell you not to play soccer here! This is not a soccerfield!' She would shout displeasedly . But no matter how many times she is going to repeat that...I'm still going to play soccer there. (I'm not being defiant here..) Haha! So till today , I would always remove the pots away from the bench into the green garden before playing. Smart :) I know my aiming sucks but it doesn't matter cause VS soccer goalposts are so huge :O And after becoming a prefect, I really can't get hold of controlling the soccerball or even kicking it right cause I can't play soccer during recess! How sad! :( But I'm glad Brandon reminded me that my soccer 'skills' kind of became lousier because I'm growing taller,yes puberty..like what Mr Amir had said about growing taller, and having a different perspective seeing the soccerball on the ground as before hence my heart didn't sink that much. Haha ,you know what I mean right? Heart sank -.- Playing or training soccer is something I enjoyed most doing alone because it is fun and its like the best game invented of all times! It also helps me to forget those unpleasant happenings in school. So yea! GTG cya! (got to go, see ya) :D Watch this! Its way too cool! Labels: ENGLISH 50% |